Crucial Maintenance Measures for Your Air Conditioning System

No matter what type of air conditioning system you have, you can be assured your appliance has been built for heavy usage as well as reliability. However, if your air conditioning system is to remain durable, it needs to receive proper and routine care and maintenance Taking care of your system not only allows you to catch any problems before they become exacerbated, but it also gives you the chance to enhance the performance of the unit. [Read More]

Handy Tips to Improve the Energy Efficiency of Your Windows

With the trend of energy prices being on the constant rise, a good way to run your home economically would be by enhancing its energy efficiency. Windows are often overlooked when it comes to energy efficiency as some homeowners simply assume their only functionality is to illuminate their home. The reality is increased natural light automatically translates to increased radiant heat, which would cause a subsequent spike in your air conditioning costs. [Read More]